Crochet Buttercup Flower Headband Free Pattern

Crochet Buttercup Flower Headband Free Pattern


Crochet Buttercup Flower Headband Free Pattern

Hi everyone, today I am bringing to you the crochet Buttercup Flower headband (free pattern). This crochet headband is both feminine and easy to crochet. It features a unique granny square pattern I made just for this headband.

The video tutorial can be found here:

Crochet Buttercup Flower Headband Free Pattern: A Unique Pattern

This unique headband is so dainty, and I really love it so much! It can be crocheted in many different colors too, however I do love it in this light yellow that I used. I really love crochet headbands so much. I really love crocheting headbands as I feel they are so lovely and perfect crocheted.

Recently I designed quite a few granny square headbands. I love these so much as they have a clear vintage vibe to them. These headbands also make for a perfect gift for loved ones. Let me know in the comments if you enjoy crocheting headbands too.

Crochet Buttercup Flower Headband Free Pattern
This is a really feminine project

This new crochet project is very easy to crochet, and looks beautiful in all seasons. I made this new design with Drops Muskat 100% cotton yarn and a 4 mm crochet hook. It is a very simple project to make, and it is also very fast to make too.

If you enjoy crochet granny headbands, you could also enjoy this lovely flower granny square headband. This lovely headband features 3 different shades of pink, and it so pretty too! Last year I crocheted this pretty granny square headband, which also features 3 different colors and a unique design.

Crochet Buttercup Flower Headband Free Pattern: The Yarn

For this project I used Drops Muskat in shade 07 Light Yellow. I love this beautiful 100% cotton yarn, it is very soft and easy to crochet with.

Crochet Buttercup Flower Headband Free Pattern
This is a lovely and fun crochet headband to make

This Vintage Brigitte Headband and this shopping tote bag are both crocheted with this lovely yarn. I love this yarn as it can be used for many different projects, including this romantic bookmark. One of my favorite projects, this puff flower bag, has been made with this yarn too.

Granny squares and many more patterns can be crocheted with cotton yarn. My latest daisy granny square pattern has been crocheted with this yarn too.

Let me know if you have crocheted any of these projects. Leave me a comment if you feel inclined, as I love reading about how you have found these crochet patterns.

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I would like to take a moment to thank every single one of you, for supporting me and my crochet journey. Indeed, I absolutely am so touched by all your messages, comments, and every person who has become a patron of my work through Patreon. Thank you!

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Crochet Buttercup Flower Headband: The Pattern

You can purchase the ad free, large print, PDF pattern from my Etsy store here: Crochet The Buttercup Flower Headband PDF Pattern

You can purchase the ad free, large print, PDF pattern from my Ravelry store here: Crochet The Buttercup Flower Headband PDF Pattern

Level: Easy +


I will be using US terms (British terms in brackets).


Gauge is not crucial for completion of this project. Please refer to individual Granny Square measurements for gauge information.

Size of each Flower Granny Square

2,6”x2,6” (6,5×6,5 cm)

Size of finished project (excluding ties)

2,6” (6,5 cm) x 16,7” (43 cm)


– 1 skein of Drops Muskat in shade Light Yellow (or any other light 3/DK 100% cotton yarn)

– A 4 mm crochet hook

– A pair of scissors

– A tapestry needle


Ch: chain

St: stitch

Sl st: slip stitch

Sk: skip

SC: Single Crochet (UK Double Crochet)

DC: Double Crochet (UK Treble Crochet)

HDC: Half Double Crochet (UK Half Treble Crochet)

EOR: End of round/End of row

Pattern begins here

For this project, we will start by making 6 individual flower Granny Squares. Once all these squares are crocheted, we will be sewing them together to create the initial shape of the headband.

We will then be crocheting the 4 hair ties (one on each corner of the headband).

Flower Granny Square (make 6)

The Buttercup Flower Square
The Buttercup Flower Square

Make a slip knot.

Ch 4, sl st to 1st chain to create a circle into which we will be working.

Note: you can use the magic circle to begin if you prefer.

Round 1: Ch 1 (=does not count as a stitch), place 4 SCs inside the circle you made. Slip stitch to the first ch 1 to close off round.

Note: Make sure you fasten in your loose end under your stitches, so that you can pull this loose end to tighten original circle made of 4 chains or magic circle.

Round 2:

Ch 3 (=DC), place 4 DCs into the same st (= 5 DCs total in 1st st), ch 1; * 5 DC into next st, ch1, repeat from * 3 more times. Make sure you finish with a ch 1.

Sl st to first ch 1 to finish off round.

Round 3

Note: We will be placing this round’s stitches in between the clusters of 5 DCs from previous round (=the petals from previous round).

The term β€œspace” I will be using for this round refers to the chain 1 space between the clusters of 5 DCs from previous round.

Ch 3 (=DC), turn your work, place 2 DC, ch 2, 3 DC into space from previous round (=1st corner); * [skip next petal from previous round (=5 DC cluster) and go directly into next space with 3 DC, ch 2, 3 DC.

Repeat from * two more times.

Sl st to first ch 3 to close off round.

Fasten off and tidy up all loose ends.

Create headband shape and sewing

Place your 5 squares on a flat surface as follows

The headband
Place your 6 buttercup flowers as follows

Once you have placed your squares as seen in photo above, sew the squares together so as to create a long strip of flower squares. For this part of the project, you should use a piece of yarn and a tapestry needle, and you can use the mattress stitch for this part.

Once you have finished sewing each square together, fasten off and tidy up all loose ends.

Create 4 hair ties (one on each corner of headband)

Attach yarn to first corner of the headband.

Now chain 40; now sk the 1st chain and slip stitch through 2nd chain and each chain until you reach the the end of the chain. Once you have finished slip stitching through each chain, slip stitch through the corner space on the headband (where we began). Fasten off and tidy up loose ends.

Repeat process on the 3 other corners of the headband.

chain 40
Create hair ties

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