Crochet Whimsical Flower Crown Free Pattern

Crochet Whimsical Flower Crown Free Pattern


Crochet Whimsical Flower Crown Free Pattern

Hi everyone, today I am so excited to introduce this crochet Whimsical Flower Crown (free pattern). This flower crown garland is so lovely and feminine, and I love it so much! This delicate crochet pattern features lots of delicate flowers; it is a whimsical and dreamy project, and I hope you enjoy crocheting it as much as me!

The video tutorial can be found here:

Crochet Whimsical Flower Crown Free Pattern: A Dreamy Project

This crochet garland features lots of flowers and a delicate design. I love whimsical and romantic designs so much! Last year I made this lovely and feminine flower headband, and it is one of my favorite projects to date. Flowers adorning headbands are so romantic, and I have wanted to create a loose and feminine flower garland ever since!

Crochet Whimsical Flower Crown Free Pattern
Crochet Whimsical Flower Crown Free Pattern

Recently I crocheted the Buttercup Flower Headband which is also a very delicate design. The Flower Granny Square Headband is also a great project perfect for the Summer. Both these designs are delicate and pretty, and feature a little flower as their inspiration.

If you love flowers, please do have a look at this puff flower purse which features 40 individual puff flowers. This is also a dreamy romantic crochet design perfect for all seasons. As you can see, I do love crochet flower designs!

Crochet Whimsical Flower Crown Free Pattern
The Whimsical Flower Crown is perfect for Summer

Crochet Whimsical Flower Crown Free Pattern: A Romantic Design

This design is very romantic and easy to make. I crocheted different flowers in different colors. After I crocheted these flowers in different colors, I made a simple crochet ribbon onto which I stitched these lovely flowers.

I love how these flowers look so romantic and whimsical. If you enjoy floral and boho inspired crochet projects, please do have a look at these 15 different Summer crochet patterns. These crochet patterns features lots of unique and feminine designs, perfect for the warmer months!

I hope you enjoy this lovely and romantic flower garland crown. This design looks beautiful and delicate, a perfect accessory for the Spring and Summer!

Connecting with you

I would like to take a moment to thank every single one of you, for supporting me and my crochet journey. Indeed, I absolutely am so touched by all your messages, comments, and every person who has become a patron of my work through Patreon. Thank you!

I love connecting with my Crochet Community through my blog and Social Media. You can find me on Youtube, Instagram, and Pinterest. I would love to connect with you on these platforms.

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Crochet Whimsical Flower Crown: The Pattern

You can purchase the ad free, large print, PDF pattern from my Etsy store here: Crochet Whimsical Flower Crown PDF Pattern

You can purchase the ad free, large print, PDF pattern from my Ravelry store here: Crochet Whimsical Flower Crown PDF Pattern

Level: Easy


I will be using US terms (British terms in brackets).


Gauge is not crucial for completion of this project.

Size of finished project

0,5” (1 cm) x 41” (104 cm)


1 skein of DMC Natura 100% cotton yarn in these 3 following shades (you can substitute this yarn with any 4 ply/sport/fingering yarn of your choice):

– Gerbera (pink)

– Blue jeans (dark blue)

– Ble (yellow)

1 skein of Drops Muskat in shade 03 Mint Green

A 3 mm crochet hook

4 mm crochet hook

A tapestry needle

A pair of scissors


Ch: chain

Sk: skip

St: Stitch

Sl st: Slip stitch

SC: Single Crochet (UK Double Crochet)

HDC: Half Double Crochet (UK Half Treble Crochet)

EOR: End of row/end of round

Notes concerning this pattern

You will start by making the flowers (as explained below). Once you have crocheted your flowers, you will be making the chain.

Once all these elements have been crocheted, you will stitch the flowers onto the chain to create the flower crown.

To secure your flower crown onto your hair, you can do this by tying a knot with the chain, or by using bobby pins or a little slide.

Begin pattern here

You will be making 6 pink flowers, 5 blue flowers, and 4 yellow flowers.

You will be using DMC Natura yarn and the 3 mm crochet hook.

Ch 4, sl stitch to 1st chain to create a circle.

Round 1: Ch 1 (does not count as a stitch), place 5 SC into this circle. Sl stitch to 1st SC to close off round.

Note: Make sure you fasten in your loose end under your stitches, so that you can pull this loose end to tighten original circle made of 4 chains or magic circle.

Round 2: * Ch 2 (=HDC), place HDC into same 1st stitch, ch 1, sl st through the next SC from previous round *; repeat from * to * another 4 times. Place your last slip stitch under the 1st stitch where you began.

Fasten off, leaving a long tail for sewing into project.

Pull yarn gently so as to close off the beginning circle so that the flower does not unravel. Fasten off this centre loose end.


With Drops Muskat yarn and 4 mm crochet hook.

Ch 190

Row 1: Slip stitch through second chain, and each chain across until eor.

Fasten off, tidy up all loose ends.

Sew your flowers onto the project following this pattern

Crochet Flower Crown
Crochet Flower Crown

Sew your flowers gently onto your chain so as to secure these to create the flower crown. Use your tapestry needle and loose end on each flower for this part.

Once you have sewed your flowers onto the project, fasten off and tidy up all loose ends.


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